Passive Abilities: Regeneration and Angelic Descent

Icon Stats Official Description
icon for regeneration Healing: 20 health per second after not taking damage for 1 second.
Mercy automatically heals over time.
icon for angelic descent Movement Speed: 2 m/s vertically (downward)
Duration: Until cancelled
Propelled by her Valkyrie suit, Mercy slows the speed of her descent from great heights.


  • Mercy's passive abilities are very straightforward and fit very well with the rest of her kit. Regeneration is an automatic self-heal that activates when Mercy takes no damage for 1 second. And Angelic Descent is a movement ability in which Mercy can "float" downward by holding the jump key/button.
  • If you find yourself in trouble and taking severe damage, flying to a teammate with G.A. and finding cover will allow you to use Regeneration to quickly regain your health.
  • Letting go of the jump key/button will end Angelic Descent, but you can press it again to activate it again. This is useful when trying to evade fire while falling. Varying between using it and not using it will make movement unpredictable.
  • Angelic Descent is particularly useful when paired with another hero who flies, such as Pharah or Echo. Repeatedly flying to them with G.A. and using Angelic Descent will allow Mercy to stay in the air for a long time, which makes these pairs so powerful in a team.

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