
Icon Stats Official Description
Mercy's staff Healing: Restores full health to a fallen ally
Movement Speed: -75% penalty
Max Range: 5 meters
Cast Time: 1.75 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Ult. Charge Gain: None
Mercy brings a dead ally back into the fight with full health.

General Strategy

  • Resurrect is Mercy's signature ability. When activated, Mercy will revive a single dead ally within very close range. They will be returned to full health at the position where they died. The revived teammate also gains a brief moment of invulnerability, during which they can move but cannot attack or use abilities.
  • You should always prioritize using Resurrect on a tank or your other support, but if you cannot safely use Resurrect on them, using it on the safest teammate is a completely valid strategy.
  • It may also be in your best interest to use Resurrect on a teammate who has their Ultimate ready.
  • Resurrect should only be used when you know you can pull it off safely. This is usually done behind natural cover, a shield, or a particularly large teammate (like Roadhog).
  • Look out for enemies with powerful abilities that can interrupt your Resurrect, such as Brigitte's Shield Bash or McCree's Flashbang.

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